Monday, March 3, 2014

Must Share

One more thing... I keep forgetting to share one of my favorite blogs.  I love things that are colorful.  I have always loved looking at (and arranging in color order) a box of crayons, colored pencils or markers.  I pin colorful, beautiful things on my Pinterest inspirations board.  And about a year ago (maybe a little longer) I found a blog that is devoted to sharing colorful photos - it is AMAZING!  So if you enjoy colorful things as well you must check out Plenty of Colour.


Apparently, I spoke too soon.  Winter decided to remind me that it is still here and in Dallas that means ice.  I would be more upset about it, but all the icy roads and cold temperatures (-2 with the wind chill) mean we got a day off school!  As much as I prefer warm, sunny weather, this ice day came at a time when I could use a day of rest (recovering from being sick), so I will be grateful for my day off, bundle up in my warmest coat and remember that it will be 60 degrees by next weekend.

Sadly, I did not get to break out the art supplies today - everything is all packed up in boxes in preparation for my move.  It is my hope that in my new house I will slowly convert one of the rooms to what I am calling a "real, live art studio".  I have big plans in my head!  But until I have photos to share of what I imagine will be a wonderful, colorful, arty studio, here are some pictures of some of the ice Dallas had this winter.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


I know that most of the country is buried in snow and having lived in places where it is cold and windy and snowy until almost May, I feel bad for you.  However, it is spring in Dallas!  It has been sunny and in the 70s this weekend which makes me so happy!  Now, it is Dallas, so this could change any day now, but usually this is the time of year it starts to stay warm and sunny and makes me love living here so much.

Enough gloating, onto art things!  Once again, it has been a while since I posted (but less than a year, so that is progress).  I was in my first arts and craft fair this fall which was very exciting!  I loved putting my booth together and figuring out how to display my jewelry.  It could still use some tweaking before the spring fairs, but I was satisfied with it as a first attempt:

I also got new business cards from which I LOVE!  You can use as many different photos of your work as you want, so I didn't have to choose just one necklace to put on the front.  It was funny to watch people flip through them and choose the card they wanted to take.

I am finally adding my big, "wearable art" necklaces to my Etsy shop.  I really like them because they are so colorful and bright, but since they are polymer clay, they are not heavy.  I need to take a few more photos with models, but I already put a few photos on my facebook page.  I have not made anything new in a while, but over the Christmas break I did my first big experiment with printmaking.  I loved it!  I am just using styrofoam from restaurant to-go containers, but it is working really well.  I will try to post some images of my favorite prints for you to see.  Until then, here is the most artistic thing I have done lately: (Settlers of Catan cookies for my brother's birthday)